Trust the Universe

The Universe works in mysterious ways...

I have been working online for a few years with varying results.  I stepped away from the online world for a couple of months to rethink my goals and reformulate a plan.

A few days ago I was cleaning out some old emails to give myself a fresh start, a clean foundation for a new path online.

No kidding, just five minutes after I had an empty inbox, I received an email from an old mentor, John Maheu (who also recently came back online).

John was the creator of an old online marketing group The Rip-Tide Army, which existed a few years back.  I was a part of that group.  It took the online world by storm.

Having quick success, RTA grew to over 300 people in a very short time.  But managing such a big group became it's downfall. RTA had no other choice but to disband.

Learning from the mistakes of the past John has now come up with a plan that implements the core foundation of Network Marketing.  And something I have believed in for a long time... Building solid relationships with a small, close-knit group, teaching them how to market effectively and then duplicating that process.

After reading the new marketing plan and seeing the effectiveness of it, I have once again joined him and started to implement the strategies.

Only a few days working the plan and I have already seen some amazing results.

The Universe truly works in mysterious ways.  It's great to be back online and in The Game!

What I'm offering is to mentor a small group of people that want to make a difference in their lives.  To help them complete the simple steps and implement the exact same strategy that I did.  And for them to have an online business up and running quickly.

Just think of the freedom you'll have.  For those that are ready to make a difference please Click HERE.

~ Angel Valenciano

PS. Opportunities like this rarely come around. Check it out HERE.


    Angel Valenciano

    Artist Of Life; Urban Samurai; Digital Architect; Internet Marketer; Computer Scientist; TRUTH Seeker

    A 9 to 5 Escape Artist who works from home... or anywhere. And teaches others to do the same.


    September 2012
    August 2012

